Welcome Biologist Allen Beck

Welcome Biologist Allen Beck

The Gespe’gewaq’gi Institute of Natural Understanding would like to welcome our new biologist to the GINU team. Allen Beck will be working on the coastal restoration project. My name is Allen Beck, and I’m very excited to be joining the GINU team as a Biologist with the research department. In this new role, I will be creating an inventory of coastal wetlands in need of assistance and to carry out several restoration projects. I am very passionate about the restoration and preservation of our natural coastlines. I make sure to use natural materials and try to consider the needs of both community and environment. I studied coastal snail ecology as a master’s student with UNB Fredericton, and I’ve been practicing wetland restoration for nearly a decade across New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In my work, I make heavy use of drone imagery to capture the environmental challenges our coastlines face. I’m always interested in learning how new technologies can better inform practices and share success stories with others. By sharing knowledge in both directions, I believe we can better prepare ourselves and our coastlines for the future.